The Secret of the Powerful Healing Capabilities
of 'Crystal Grid Mandalas' :
is the Power and Energy of Numbers and Mathematics,
in the Language of Colors & Sacred Geometry.
Healing with Numbers and the law of Mathematics,
is part of the new Vibrational Medicine.
It is based on the knowledge of modern Quantum Physics.
The 'Crystal Grid Mandalas' are a healing technology of consciousness
and are based on the numerology of the Fibonacci Sequence
and on Sacred Geometry, translated into color schemes.
The Mandalas not only highly energize and inspire you spiritually,
they also can initiate and support a process of purification
and release of old karmic patterns.
Especially at this time this process is highly supported
with the new energy and light,
that is pouring increasingly down onto our planet,
blessing everyone who is consciously participating in them.
The Mandalas can be of great help in this liberating process.
"Mathematics is the alphabet with which God described the Universe" - Galileo Gallilei - |
"The number is the very nature of all things" - Pythagoras - |
Website Creation: Ute Posegga, Copyright © 2019
Website Creation: Ute Posegga, Copyright © 2019